There are two unemployed individuals in the U.S. for every current job opening. Below is a top-down, back-of-the-envelope calculation to put employment statistics in context. Claim your Free Subscription to HireJar, the AI Hiring Platform to Fill Any Role, Any Duration The current population of the U.S. is 319 million; The number of working age […]
Placing the Gig Economy in Historical Context
A study conducted by Intuit recently predicted that 40 percent of American workers may be independent contractors by 2020. That is about 60 million people. It is much higher than the last count we had back in 2006 when another report indicated that the proportion was 30 percent of workforce. The number of independent […]
Understanding the Massive Cost of Unfilled Jobs
Having worked in both large and small companies, one common phenomenon that I have observed in both types of companies is that a number of jobs can remain unfilled. These open voids can have a number of negative fallouts for an organization, including: Important projects remaining in a holding pattern; Crucial decisions remaining unresolved while […]
How to write an effective job description for contract-to-hire
Writing a job description for contract-to-hire position is uniquely challenging. This is because the writer (typically the hiring manager) has to straddle the worlds between (1) requirements of a permanent job and (2) requirements of a contract job. Each one is uniquely different as described below: Job description of a permanent position has to […]